Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy New Year

Just like the fall...I also look forward to the Jewish New is a time when I look back and look ahead...when I reflect on the year I've had...and the person I've been...and not been...I like the Jewish New Year because I can cast away all of my sins...all the bad stuff I've said...all the bad things I've done...and start fresh.

I enjoyed religious services today...renewing my felt so good...I always listen to the rabbi's sermon...this time it was a female rabbi...a newly ordained female rabbi...the entire service was led by females...what a change from when I was growing up...back in the '60s females weren't even allowed to sit in the same area of the temple as the men...not in the orthodox temple my family attended...I remember the could I forget them...we would walk with my dad to the temple...he would go to services...we would walk back...then we would enjoy apples and honey...and we lived right near the Bronx Botanical Gardens...and in the afternoon...after eating our apples and honey...and our challah...we would walk around the Gardens...then we would come home and have a big dinner...of brisket...and potato latkes...and plum cake...sweet plum cake that my mom would bake.

Now at 49, I have new son joined me today at son who knew all the Hebrew son who is now taller than me...just the two of us...we went to services...and we prayed...we prayed to stay healthy...we prayed that our family should be together next year...all together...and then we practiced our new ritual...we went to Wegman's grocery store...and bought all our prepared food for our New Year feast...roast turkey...and potato latkes...and broccoli and cauliflower with pinenuts...and a round challah...and together we enjoyed our new ritual until our tummies were filled to the brim...but after we finished...after we finished...we realized that our ritual was not complete.

"Where's the honey?" my son asked as we started to leave the table, "Did you forget the honey?"..."Oh, no," I said. "You are right, we must have honey...we must have honey because this must be a sweet year...yes...the Jewish Year 5768 must be sweet...I am turning 50...and I must have a sweet year," I added as I wrote H-O-N-E-Y on the top of my shopping list...honey it is...get those bees buzzing...we're going to have lots of sweetness this coming year...tomorrow we will have honey for our challah.

L'Shana Tova


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to services in years. Your post made me think that I should at least get the spiritual part of things back into my life: reviewing your life, making sure you're doing enough good. Etc.